Flower Bouquet – Medium


Bring joy into your home with fresh seasonal flowers!  Our medium bouquets are 10-16 stems of beautiful, fresh cut flowers, wrapped in paper to keep them safe until you get them home.  Your bouquet will be a mix of the best focal flowers, filler, and greenery in bloom on the farm when you order.

If you are picking up at the farm, your bouquet will be in a vase or bucket separate from you order.  Pick any one of the bouquets that are there!

Flex CSA members: medium bouquet “costs” 2 items.

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Bring joy into your home with fresh seasonal flowers!  Our medium bouquets are 10-16 stems of beautiful, fresh cut flowers, wrapped in paper to keep them safe until you get them home.  Your bouquet will be a mix of the best focal flowers, filler, and greenery in bloom on the farm when you order.

If you are picking up at the farm, your bouquet will be in a vase or bucket separate from you order.  Pick any one of the bouquets that are there!

Flex CSA members: medium bouquet “costs” 2 items.


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